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Syntax error (missing operator) in query expressio
01 Jan 2006 05:49:23 Malcolm X posted:
Hey there, can anyone suggest why I am getting the following error.Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'TimberSpecies ='.
/html/results.asp, line 68
Line 68: Command1.Execute()
I have created the following command in a results.asp page.
UPDATE tblSpecies
SET fHits = fHits + 1
WHERE TimberSpecies = ParamSpecies
ParamSpecies Request.QueryString("TimberSpecies"
If it helps, I have a database with the following.
Table Name: tblSpecies
Column Names: idSpecies, TimberSpecies, fHits.
Also have included the code that Dreamweaver creates for the SQL.
set Command1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
Command1.ActiveConnection = MM_connTimber_STRING
Command1.CommandText = "UPDATE tblSpecies SET fHits = fHits + 1 WHERE TimberSpecies = " + Replace(Command1__ParamSpecies, "'", "''" + " "
Command1.CommandType = 1
Command1.CommandTimeout = 0
Command1.Prepared = true
Replied 03 Jan 2006 23:27:43
03 Jan 2006 23:27:43 jo blo replied:
ParamSpecies is not being passed through to the results.asp page.
Check the page that sends info to results.asp.
Put his before line 68 on the results.asp page:
response.write "paramSpecies = "¶mspecies
When the paramspecies variable appears - you know you've fixed the problem.
ParamSpecies is not being passed through to the results.asp page.
Check the page that sends info to results.asp.
Put his before line 68 on the results.asp page:
response.write "paramSpecies = "¶mspecies
When the paramspecies variable appears - you know you've fixed the problem.