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Adding images to an existing complex page

Posted 29 Sep 2005 01:14:07
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29 Sep 2005 01:14:07 Biff Barf posted:
Hi everybody. I'm trying to add some lnks to the side of an existing webpage. I'm starting from and trying to add links, as seen on
There's a section of black empty space that won't go away. When I add more images to the layer, other layers on the page are affected, as seen in where my feet get cut off.
Also, the spacings seen are inconsistant with what I see in Dreamweaver.

Yes, I know the images are slightly different. I'm trying to crop them to fit the box on the side. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm using DreamweaverMX 2004 for Mac OS X, and I'm viewing the page with FireFox.

Oh, and I HAVE been trying to get a hold of the web designer, but he's one lazy dude.

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