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PHP Image Portfolio - multiple functions

Posted 28 Sep 2005 05:49:06
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28 Sep 2005 05:49:06 Tracy Sweder posted:
<font face='Arial'>Hello,
I am new to PHP and could use some assistance with my project <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

The website is located at:

If you click the link to "Ornamental Portfolio" you will notice the "Portfolio" section on the right, with a vertical row of images. What I need to make happen now is:

1) The image needs to be clickable and needs to pull up the following info:

A) "pic" (this would be the full size image in the "pic" field of the database. To verify it is the correct "pic" file it needs to make sure the "item" field for "pic" is the same as the "item" field for "thumb" ("thumb" is the image currently displayed on the right).

B) "thumb2" , "thumb3" & "thumb4" as well as "desc" fields also need to be gotten on that same click.

C) So - on click, the "thumb" image would get the corresponding "pic" and place it in the content area of the page, it would also get the "desc" and place this (text description) underneath of the "pic", and would then create a horizontal row of additional thumbnail images using "thumb2", "thumb3", & "thumb4"

D) The additional thumbnails may not exist, not all projects have extra images - the "thumb2", "thumb3" & "thumb4" images are thumbnails of closer details or different angles on the same project as the main "thumb". So this would be an "if" they exist it would create the horizontal row.

2) The horizontal row that was just created of the "thumb2", "thumb3" & "thumb4" images now needs links as well - they need to link to "pic2", "pic3", & "pic4" fields, as well as "desc2", "desc3", & "desc4" fields (corresponding to whichever number the thumb is - ie... thumb2 links to pic2 and desc2 - again with the same "item" name (the "item" field is the "key" (I think it's called) in the database which is the identifier for each row - each row is a listing of images and descriptions of one particular project so the item is basically the text name I've given to that project and is different for each row)

A) When you click on "thumb2" it needs to change the "pic" to "pic2" and the "desc" to "desc2" that previously loaded when the original "thumb" was clicked.

I am using DreamweaverMX 2004.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to buy a script, but would prefer to learn how to do this since I will need to repeat it for the Blade and Jewelry Portfolio sections of the website, and I might need to tweak things if I find we have too many images to want them all on the Ornamental Page - I may need to break it down to different Types of projects (ie.. gates, furniture, doors -etc...) inside the Ornamental area - which I think I know how to do that so the Portfolio area only pulls up the images with the proper "type" category from the database - but I have no idea how to cause these images to be links and pull the info I need them to & place it where I want it on the page.

Also - there will be some introductory text blob in the main center area of the page, and I'm thinking that once they click on a thumbnail image the text would disappear & the main "pic" would show up in it's place.

Thanks again in advance for any assistance.

</font id='Arial'>


Replied 12 Oct 2005 16:19:41
12 Oct 2005 16:19:41 Roddy Dairion replied:
1st question how big is your picture??
2ndly how r you extracting those pictures?
3rdly Is you website done with php completely?

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