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Juicy Solutions calendar

Posted 17 May 2005 06:11:47
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17 May 2005 06:11:47 Martin Finnegan posted:
I've used the nice calendar application set out in the Juicy Solutions ebook and its working ok. I looked at the associated forum and I only saw a few tumbleweeds blowing across the screen <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

I have a couple of questions...I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

1. In the calendar.php and other pages the database login credentials are in a function on the page and are a bit of a security risk? I tried using an include but this wrecked the actual connection to the db. Has anyone found a better way of doing this?

2. I only just noticed that there is no way to move back and forward between the months. I think I need a little help here as I'm not too sure where to start with that?

Thanks for advice.


Replied 17 May 2005 06:43:57
17 May 2005 06:43:57 Martin Finnegan replied:
I fixed the security problem - I had an include as part of a php page by mistake.

Edited by - ozmart2003 on 17 May 2005 09:17:17

Edited by - ozmart2003 on 17 May 2005 10:29:49
Replied 17 May 2005 09:16:37
17 May 2005 09:16:37 Martin Finnegan replied:
I hope that Allan Kent and/or Gareth Downes-Powell will find my post!

I am really needing some guidance about how to approach making the calendar have 'next' and 'back' links for the months. I'm trying to figure it out but I need a roadmap! <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

Edited by - ozmart2003 on 17 May 2005 10:32:31
Replied 20 May 2005 05:23:00
20 May 2005 05:23:00 Martin Finnegan replied:
Well I am a bit dissapointed with this forum and DMXZone. Not a single response! I even emailed both the authors and......nothing, nada, zip..not even 'get stuffed'. In the meantime I used the excellent Sitepoint Forums..thats and got the help I needed very fast and I have now been able to work out how to fix the problem.

I'm not sure what the problem is with the DMXZone forums, but I have never gotten ANY response never mind a helpful one. Maybe I'm just unlucky? Maybe you have had a good experience? Is there some other explanation for this apparent indifference? I've seen similar gripes in the forums about lousy support/responses before but I don't know the reason why it happens.

I have to say that I am seriously considering dropping my DMXZ subscription. Mainly beacuse I can get all the forum support I need at Sitepoint and all the other stuff at CommunityMX. At CMX I get all extensions, articles, everything for the one subs. price, whereas at DMXZone I still have to pay extra for everything except the articles.

I don't suppose I'll get any response from this rant. I would appreciate one but going on past experience I would be lucky! Really guys this is invaluable feedback I am giving you. If I am feeling this way chances are there are a few more of your members feeling the same - c'mon DMXZone - lift your game and make me want to renew my subscription next time!

Replied 20 May 2005 21:42:39
20 May 2005 21:42:39 chris breshears replied:
I am also running into the same thing... wish there was some support for this book.
Replied 21 May 2005 02:25:59
21 May 2005 02:25:59 Martin Finnegan replied:
Yes, its a bit pathetic isn't it! I wonder if anyone at DMX bothers to look at the forums?
Replied 30 Jan 2007 04:10:58
30 Jan 2007 04:10:58 levi anderson replied:
Obviously not.

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