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Feedback Form

Posted 14 Mar 2005 02:22:34
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14 Mar 2005 02:22:34 Alex Foster posted:
Can anybody help, I have a feedback page but I want the submit button to be greyed out when the user clicks on it. I have used and tried the code onclick visable = false etc etc but it greys the button out but does NOT submit the form!!!!!. I am using feedback form which is linked to a php file on my server which does some error checking etc if thats any help!

Any Help Would Be Great <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>


Replied 14 Mar 2005 21:09:22
14 Mar 2005 21:09:22 Chris Charlton replied:
Here's some extensions to do the job in a couple clicks!

<b>Disable Submit Button</b> -

And, maybe worth a try too for other stuff like that: <b>Enable/Disable Form Objects</b> -

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chris Charlton <i>- DMXzone Manager</i>
<font size=1>[ Studio MX/MX2004 | PHP/ASP | SQL | XHTML/CSS | XML | Actionscript | Web Accessibility | MX Extensibility ]</font id=size1>

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