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Query based on duplicate fields
Replied 21 Jan 2005 18:33:55
21 Jan 2005 18:33:55 Vince Baker replied:
If you mean how can you only show one example of each then use the following:
Select Distinct (your_field_name)
from yourtablename
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Select Distinct (your_field_name)
from yourtablename
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Replied 22 Jan 2005 08:20:25
22 Jan 2005 08:20:25 Chriz L. replied:
no it's not what i mean<img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>
I want to get the duplicate records ( records that appear with the same value more than once) based on one field (not the primary since it can't be duplicate)
I want to get the duplicate records ( records that appear with the same value more than once) based on one field (not the primary since it can't be duplicate)