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Is it a Blog? CMS? Forum? Hybrid?
Posted 05 Nov 2004 23:25:57
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05 Nov 2004 23:25:57 Joseph Burch posted:
I'm looking for a product that i'm not sure exists.Here's what I want to do:
~ I want to have multiple authors contribute articles to my site that are organized and cataloged by subject by date, AND
~ From these articles, I want people to be able to reply to the article (kinda like comments at the end of a blog) and have a discussion about the ideas in the article or fraction off into other discussions.
~ But the trick is, I want ANYONE (not necessarily staff authors) to be able to precipitate a conversation by posting their thoughts/opinion (like a forum).
I *could* just have the authors write their articles in the forum but I prefer the content to be cataloged more like a news site/blog (allowing for better mark-up, photos, diagrams, etc.)
I could also just implement all these different components (Blog/CMS/Forum) but I'm hoping that there's a way to do all this already. (I think is the closest to what i'm looking for but their forum isn't connected to the content articles.)
Anyone have any ideas??