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Audio and video streaming with dreamwaver MX

Posted 12 Oct 2004 18:19:05
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12 Oct 2004 18:19:05 Olivier Florence posted:
Hi All,
i have been asked by a customer to integrate some video and audio streaming on
their existing site for their portfolio.
I am quiet unfamiliar with this concept and was wondering what's involved, the
files will be provided by the client.
He also mentionned that an alternative should be provided for users using some
firewalls which may block video or audio files to be open.
Thanking you all in advance for your suggestions


Replied 13 Oct 2004 22:41:42
13 Oct 2004 22:41:42 Rene Bandsma replied:
Think the best thing to do is via a Windows Meda Stream. Just set up an MMS stream and intergrate an Windows Media Player inside your webpage.

You can use FrontPage for the Windows Media Player embed because it generates the code for you.

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