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Filtering a recordset.

Posted 16 Jan 2004 00:32:56
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16 Jan 2004 00:32:56 Jennifer Biggs posted:
I am having problems loading my page when filtering a recordset using the WHERE command in Dreamweaver MX using PHP & MySQL.

The following SQL statement works & my page loads fine:

FROM `species` INNER JOIN `seed` ON (`species`.`SpecieID` = `seed`.`SpecieID`)
ORDER BY `species`.`Type`, `species`.`SpecieName`

, but when I add the WHERE command to filter the records...

FROM `species` INNER JOIN `seed` ON (`species`.`SpecieID` = `seed`.`SpecieID`)
WHERE `seed`.`Availability`="Yes"
ORDER BY `species`.`Type`, `species`.`SpecieName` page will not load. When I test the SQL statement in the Dreamweaver recordset dialog box it shows the filtered records, but when I try and load my page it is blank. When I attempt to run Live Query View in Dreamweaver without the WHERE command it works, but when I try it with the WHERE command I get the following error message:

The testing server did not execute any of the scripts in your document. Possible explanations include:
1. The testing server is not running.
2. The testing server ignores files with the ".php" file extension.
3. Your document does not contain any scripts.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


Replied 04 Feb 2005 16:07:19
04 Feb 2005 16:07:19 new bie replied:

1) In Dreamweaver, go to Sites/Manage Sites/Advanced, in “Testing Server,” be sure to configure URL

prefix: localhost/ .... See Check the URL Prefix in the Site Definition at (Note

that the URL prefix does not always need to point to localhost/. Right now, we are just using localhost

as the troubleshooting web site. The important thing is for “URL prefix” to point to the document root

address of whichever testing web site you are connecting to.)

2) Make sure that the MySql extension is activated in php.ini. Take the ; off the left side of the line in order

to activate: extension=php_mysql.dll

3) Make sure that extension_dir = “c:\php\ext” is activated in php.ini, and that it points to the correct

directory where php_mysql.dll is located.
For PHP5: extension_dir = “c:\php\ext”
For PHP4: extension_dir = “c:\php" Use this if you followed PHP4 installation instructions and

copied all the extensions from c:\php\extensions to c:\php.

4) Make sure that PHP is working in Apache server. Does browsing to your localhost/phpinfo.php

page display PHP graphics and data?


The Dreamweaver Tutorial has you create PHP code on two pages: comments-view.php and comments-

add.php. The problem is that after you complete the tutorial instructions, both pages display as blank

pages in your Internet browser.

If you’re working on those pages in Dreamweaver, when you click on “Live Data View” you get the

following error code:

The testing server did not execute any of the scripts in your document. Possible explanations include:
1) The testing server is not running.
2) The testing server ignores files with the ".php" file extension.
3) Your document does not contain any scripts.

This is caused by a parsing problem in PHP, i.e the PHP code hangs up and your Apache server gives

you a blank page. The solution is to make a change in the php.ini file. Change short_open_tag = on to

make it read: short_open_tag = off

Good luck. I hope this helps.


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