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CDONTS.dll & Windows 2K3 Web Server
Posted 05 Jan 2004 15:44:01
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05 Jan 2004 15:44:01 Tommy Ready posted:
Hey guys, I'm still having problem getting my forms e-mailed to me. Here is my code.<%
if Request.Querystring("isSubmitted" = "yes" then
Dim fname, lname
Dim objCDO
fname = Request.Querystring("First_Name"
lname = Request.Querystring("Last_Name"
Set objCDO = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
objCDO.From = " "
objCDO.To = " "
objCDO.Cc = " "
objCDO.Bcc = " "
objCDO.Subject = "Submitted form data from my page"
objCDO.Body = "Name: " & fname & " " & lname
objCDO.BodyFormat = 1
objCDO.MailFormat = 1
ConfirmMsg = "Thanks for submitting your name!"
end if
<title>ASP Form Sample</title>
<% if ConfirmMsg <> "" then %>
<h2><%= ConfirmMsg %></h2>
<% end if %>
<form action="formtest.asp" method="get" name="Input_Form">
First Name:
<input type="text" size="30"
maxlength="50" name="First_Name">
Last Name:
<input type="text" size="30"
maxlength="50" name="Last_Name">
<input type="hidden" name="isSubmitted" value="yes">
<input type="submit" value="Submit Form">
The problem is that I never get the e-mail. I tired sending it to 50 million differnet e-mail address. Is there something worng with my code? Plz help
Dreamweaver MX | Flash 5/MX | Visual Studio 6.0 | Visual Studio .NET
Replied 05 Jan 2004 18:58:12
05 Jan 2004 18:58:12 Rene Bandsma replied:
In Windows 2003 CDONTS.DLL is replaced with CDOSYS.DLL. If you still want to use CDONTS.DLL you have to register that DLL (and copy it from an 2000/NT machine)
Replied 05 Jan 2004 19:53:50
05 Jan 2004 19:53:50 Tommy Ready replied:
I downloaded cdonts.dll and registered it on my windows 2k3 server last week......should I tru cdosys.dll instead?
Dreamweaver MX | Flash 5/MX | Visual Studio 6.0 | Visual Studio .NET
Dreamweaver MX | Flash 5/MX | Visual Studio 6.0 | Visual Studio .NET
Replied 06 Jan 2004 12:03:51
06 Jan 2004 12:03:51 Rene Bandsma replied:
CDOSYS.DLL is better, faster and efficienter than CDONTS.DLL.
We use now for al our e-mailforms CDOSYS. You can find many examples on the MSDN website (Microsoft Developper Network)
We use now for al our e-mailforms CDOSYS. You can find many examples on the MSDN website (Microsoft Developper Network)
Replied 09 Jan 2004 14:24:11
09 Jan 2004 14:24:11 Tommy Ready replied:
Ok, I finally found the problem. The reason I could get e-mail in my yahoo account and not my work account is because our network admin has something setup so that I can't relay off our smtp. So I used one of my friends mail servers and now everything works fine. Plus I used cdosys.dll instead and yes it is faster....thnx for all your help!
Dreamweaver MX | Flash 5/MX | Visual Studio 6.0 | Visual Studio .NET
Dreamweaver MX | Flash 5/MX | Visual Studio 6.0 | Visual Studio .NET