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PHP Installation Issues

Posted 30 Dec 2003 23:35:32
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30 Dec 2003 23:35:32 MARCUS LEE posted:
I’m having trouble installing & configuring PHP 4.3.4 (ZIP version) on my WinXP Pro box using IIS. I have tried using “php-4.3.4-installer.exe” but that didn’t work which is why I’m trying the manual approach here. Here’s a detailed account of what I’ve done:

1. Unzipped the contents of “php-4.3.4-Win32.exe” into “c:\php”

2. In the IIS Manager window, after right-clicking on “Default Web Site,” and selecting “Properties,” the do I need to specify an application name? Are my permissions and application protection settings ok? Next, I was directed to select the “Configuration” button where I was told to create a mapping the PHP.EXE file. This was pretty simple. Also, is it ok for the path of my web server to NOT BE “C:\INETPUB?”

3. My system uses NTFS, but I’m unable to add execute rights for “I_USR_MACHINENAME” for the “C:\PHP” folder as specified by the “install.txt” file that came with the ZIP file. Per the below picture, am I missing something? I couldn’t find this username (I_USR_BART) or even custom create one with that naming convention. Am I taking it too literally? As a substitute, I gave all users “Full Control” permissions to the “C:\PHP” folder. Thoughts?

4. Copied the contents of “C:\PHP\dlls” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32”
5. Copied “C:\PHP\php4tds.dll” to “C:\WINDOWS\system32”
6. Copied “php.ini-recommended” to “c:\windows” and renamed it “php.ini”
7. Changed the contents of the renamed php.ini fileas follows

a. cgi.force_redirect = 1 to cgi.force_redirect = 0
b. extension_dir = ./ to extension_dir = c:\php\extensions
c. session.save_path = to session_save_path = C:\WINDOWS\temp (Note the string difference)

8. Stopped and restarted the IIS service
9. Tested to see if PHP is properly installed and configured by saving “<? php echo phpinfo(); ?>” as “test.php” and opening it within a browser. The result was a blank page, and not the large table as it should be. Thoughts as to why?

If I’ve missed anything, am out of order, or am doing overkill, please let me know. Thank You

Additional Questions

1. There have been some references about copying a “msvcrt.dll” file to “C:WINDOWS\system32,” but I haven’t found it, Since then I’ve ignored this step. Thoughts?
2. Some people have suggested making registry changes. Am I missing any here?
3. Is the windows installer really harder than it seems? I tried it many times and it still didn’t work. Also, how come the directory structures are different b/w that versions and the Zipped version?


Replied 20 Jan 2004 15:19:59
20 Jan 2004 15:19:59 Iain Stewart replied:
I had the very same problem.
But it was a while back but if memory serves me right it was because of teh user account i used to install the windows installer.

I have an account on my xp pro machine - iain
and although an administrator account, i had to log onto the system as administrator ( username not iain )and use the installer, set the php foler to everyone full control and replace properties on all sub folders and files logged off and rebooted came back on as myself and it worked.


head hurts, 'mental note to self, stop banging head !'

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