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Failed attempts at PHP login page <sigh>

Posted 26 Aug 2003 23:24:28
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26 Aug 2003 23:24:28 Carol Andrejak posted:
This is my first try to do anything significant with PHP and DMX and I've studied my many books to try to get help. I'm almost there but not quite. What I am trying to do here is to create a page for freshman students to log in to vote for class officers. I have the 'password' table all set up with their names and passwords. This is not secure and doesn't have to be encrypted. It's just a number they type in that gets checked against that column in the table to see if they exist and if so, the lower region shows up with all the candidates names (which will be filled in correctly once I find out who's running). I've got the page where it actually shows up on the site with no parse errors (hooya!) but when I type in a number I know is in the table (for instance M0204848688) nothing happens. I figure I've messed up in the binding somewhere but I don't know what to check.

I also have a column in the table that has a zero for every student. The idea is for the zero to be changed to a 1 once they submit their vote. Then if they try to log in again to vote again, the SQL will check for a zero value and if it's not found, the lower region will not show, thus locking them out and limiting them to only one vote. This is the next piece of code I need to figure out.

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated as the beginning of the semester is rapidly approaching and I'm trying to learn as fast as I can. <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> I tried to get the code to show up in this post but the html tags kept messing it up so I've resorted to putting it in a text file and posting it on our website. The link is on the offending page: and it's called login.txt

I may look like I'm doing nothing but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.

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