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Why doesnt this work?
Posted 21 Jul 2003 10:40:24
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21 Jul 2003 10:40:24 Buddy Quaid posted:
I get this error:Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
/catalog/newlook2.asp, line 102
Here is the code from that line:
pricePercent = (rsQuery("numPercent" / 100)
Here is my SQL statement:
rsQuery.Open "SELECT MAVproducts.numPercent, MAVproducts.blnNew, MAVproducts.productID, MAVcategories.Category,MAVproducts.gender, MAVproducts.productName, MAVproducts.blnSale, MAVMAVproducts.description, MAVproducts.templateID, MAVproducts.pictureFile, MAVproducts.sizes,MAVproducts.colors, MAVproducts.price FROM MAVcategories, MAVproducts WHERE MAVcategories.CategoryID = MAVproducts.categoryID AND MAVproducts.productID=" & Request("itemid" & "",Conn,adOpenStatic
I dont understand because I have the right name of the database field. But it's not working!