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Generating passwords
29 Apr 2003 14:02:36 Ben Burch posted:
I am trying to generate a random password and automatic email to send to somone after they have registered on my site. Any ideas how I do this? I'm sure its not that hard but I am fairly new to ASP etc. Many Thanks
Replied 29 Apr 2003 17:37:14
29 Apr 2003 17:37:14 Vince Baker replied:
below is the code to create a random password... to email it, search for aspmail on google and this will guide you through the process.
<% 'Generate a random password
Sub StrRandomize(strSeed)
Dim i, nSeed
nSeed = CLng(0)
For i = 1 To Len(strSeed)
nSeed = nSeed Xor ((256 * ((i - 1) Mod 4) * AscB(Mid(strSeed, i, 1))))
Randomize nSeed
End Sub
Function GeneratePassword(nLength)
Dim i, bMadeConsonant, c, nRnd
'You may adjust the below constants to include local,
'eg. scandinavian characters. This way your passwords
'will not be limited to latin characters.
Const strDoubleConsonants = "bdfglmnpst"
Const strConsonants = "bcdfghklmnpqrstv"
Const strVocal = "aeiou"
GeneratePassword = ""
bMadeConsonant = False
For i = 0 To nLength
'Get a random number number between 0 and 1
nRnd = Rnd
'Simple or double consonant, or a new vocal?
'Does not start with a double consonant
'15% or less chance for the next letter being a double consonant
If GeneratePassword <> "" AND (bMadeConsonant <> True) AND (nRnd < 0.15) Then
'double consonant
c = Mid(strDoubleConsonants, Int(Len(strDoubleConsonants) * Rnd + 1), 1)
'response.write int(Len(strDoubleConsonants) * Rnd + 1)
'response.write "<br>"
c = c & c
i = i + 1
bMadeConsonant = True
'80% or less chance for the next letter being a consonant,
'depending on wether the last letter was a consonant or not.
If (bMadeConsonant <> True) And (nRnd < 0.95) Then
'Simple consonant
c = Mid(strConsonants, Int(Len(strConsonants) * Rnd + 1), 1)
bMadeConsonant = True
'5% or more chance for the next letter being a vocal. 100% if last
'letter was a consonant - theoreticaly speaking...
'If last one was a consonant, make vocal
c = Mid(strVocal,Int(Len(strVocal) * Rnd + 1), 1)
bMadeConsonant = False
End If
End If
'Add letter
GeneratePassword = GeneratePassword & c
'Is the password long enough, or perhaps too long?
If Len(GeneratePassword) > nLength Then
GeneratePassword = Left(GeneratePassword, nLength)
End If
End Function
StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd)
<% 'create a 7 digit password and store in varPassword
Dim varPassword
varPassword = GeneratePassword(7)
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<% 'Generate a random password
Sub StrRandomize(strSeed)
Dim i, nSeed
nSeed = CLng(0)
For i = 1 To Len(strSeed)
nSeed = nSeed Xor ((256 * ((i - 1) Mod 4) * AscB(Mid(strSeed, i, 1))))
Randomize nSeed
End Sub
Function GeneratePassword(nLength)
Dim i, bMadeConsonant, c, nRnd
'You may adjust the below constants to include local,
'eg. scandinavian characters. This way your passwords
'will not be limited to latin characters.
Const strDoubleConsonants = "bdfglmnpst"
Const strConsonants = "bcdfghklmnpqrstv"
Const strVocal = "aeiou"
GeneratePassword = ""
bMadeConsonant = False
For i = 0 To nLength
'Get a random number number between 0 and 1
nRnd = Rnd
'Simple or double consonant, or a new vocal?
'Does not start with a double consonant
'15% or less chance for the next letter being a double consonant
If GeneratePassword <> "" AND (bMadeConsonant <> True) AND (nRnd < 0.15) Then
'double consonant
c = Mid(strDoubleConsonants, Int(Len(strDoubleConsonants) * Rnd + 1), 1)
'response.write int(Len(strDoubleConsonants) * Rnd + 1)
'response.write "<br>"
c = c & c
i = i + 1
bMadeConsonant = True
'80% or less chance for the next letter being a consonant,
'depending on wether the last letter was a consonant or not.
If (bMadeConsonant <> True) And (nRnd < 0.95) Then
'Simple consonant
c = Mid(strConsonants, Int(Len(strConsonants) * Rnd + 1), 1)
bMadeConsonant = True
'5% or more chance for the next letter being a vocal. 100% if last
'letter was a consonant - theoreticaly speaking...
'If last one was a consonant, make vocal
c = Mid(strVocal,Int(Len(strVocal) * Rnd + 1), 1)
bMadeConsonant = False
End If
End If
'Add letter
GeneratePassword = GeneratePassword & c
'Is the password long enough, or perhaps too long?
If Len(GeneratePassword) > nLength Then
GeneratePassword = Left(GeneratePassword, nLength)
End If
End Function
StrRandomize CStr(Now) & CStr(Rnd)
<% 'create a 7 digit password and store in varPassword
Dim varPassword
varPassword = GeneratePassword(7)
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Replied 01 May 2003 03:37:14
01 May 2003 03:37:14 J.S. - UltraSuite replied:
Replied 01 May 2003 17:25:13
01 May 2003 17:25:13 Ben Burch replied:
Cheers guys, thanks for your help