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Update error woe continues...

Posted 06 Feb 2003 23:29:34
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06 Feb 2003 23:29:34 Lee O'Pold posted:
I can't seem to get the update error problem resolved. I've looked through this forum and tried the ideas. Still no solution.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

/veggie/update.asp, line 111

The error references the MM_editCmd.Execute line. Here's the code:

MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection
MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery

This code was written by Dreamweaver, but I deleted the code and updated the file with Notepad to make sure there wasn't a funky invisible character involved. My database is Access (I'm just starting out so don't laugh), I'm not trying to update my primary key, allow zero length is set to yes, I have full permissions, and I'm using PWS on a networked computer. Data displays, sorts, and repeats fine, but I'm stuck on the MM_editCmd.Execute command. Any further ideas? Seems like lots of people have this problem.

Thanks in advance for your expertise!


Replied 07 Feb 2003 02:04:56
07 Feb 2003 02:04:56 asp asp replied:
ok! here goes, Avoid using reserved words such as "date", "name", "select", "where" and "level" when specifying field names in your database. Also eliminate spaces and special characters. if you have any tables that start with numbers like "2products" change them use underscores for your word_breaks. hopefully this will help!!
Replied 07 Feb 2003 03:57:10
07 Feb 2003 03:57:10 Lee O'Pold replied:
Thank you asp for the quick reply. I tried renaming all fields, eliminating space, etc. but no luck yet. Both the server and DWMX don't seem to like the MM_editCmd.Execute line. DWMX show all the other MM_editCmd. statements in purple, but the "Execute" part is in blue. Is there away around this command in asp VBscript? I've seen it in many other scripts, so I can't imagine the syntax is wrong, but since I'm just starting out I can't be sure. Any other suggestions?
Replied 07 Feb 2003 06:05:22
07 Feb 2003 06:05:22 Lee O'Pold replied:
I've got it...I think. I decided to scrap the database and make a new one. It worked great. I assumed the database was fine because it would display and repeat, but I guess there was something tweaked in it. I used the same names for everything, but hey, if it works I'm happy. Thanks for your help.

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