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'Format Table' command for dynamic tables?

Posted 16 Jan 2003 22:17:17
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16 Jan 2003 22:17:17 Dean Blackborough posted:
Currently got a nice repeating table working for my 3D Gallery. Anyway when it was just a html page I used to use the 'Format Table' command to make it look pretty, one row one colour, next row another etc - nothing fancy.

For the life of me I cannot see how you do this with a dynamic table, It must be possible!!

Anyway tried searching here and thus far found nothing, hoping one of you chaps can give up a few hints.


Attempting to convert this to a database driven site - currently all individual pages. lol


Replied 17 Jan 2003 00:46:46
17 Jan 2003 00:46:46 Frank tedtofston replied:
I use the php advance rows color extension from the exchange. It works great.

Replied 17 Jan 2003 01:44:07
17 Jan 2003 01:44:07 Dean Blackborough replied:
Cheers Chap

Just found it and it works like a charm, Macromedia was down a little while ago so I didn't get a chance to search.

Still can't believe how sweet it is to work with MX and MySQL/PHP. Doesn't appear as if there is anything that isn't possible. <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>


Attempting to convert this to a database driven site - currently all individual pages. lol

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