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Posted 09 Dec 2002 19:56:23
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09 Dec 2002 19:56:23 Dominique ferron posted:
I have to put some text over an image that as a fixed size. The problem is taht sometimes the text is longer than the image size.
So I've used a textarea with readonly attributes to make the text appear over that image with a scrollbar. The problem, is that the text that is appearing over the image cannot be edit. I mean I can't do stuff like underline, bold, or change the default font. Anyone as an idea??



Replied 10 Dec 2002 07:37:59
10 Dec 2002 07:37:59 Dan The Man replied:
you can add a "style" attribute to the textarea.
for example
style="font-weight: bold;"
style="text-decoration: underline;"
style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"

<textarea name="myText" style="font-style: italic;"></textarea>

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