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Images in Email HTML Newsletter

Posted 25 Nov 2002 12:12:34
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25 Nov 2002 12:12:34 Stewart Bond posted:
I have been producing Email HTML Newsletters and have been having problems with the graphics.

Using the full URL (i.e. only seems to work if the receiver is online.

Does anybody know of a better way to include or embed the images.

I have noticed something like -src=cid: being used, but I do not know what it is.

Thanks in advance if anybody can help.



Replied 30 Nov 2002 07:59:59
30 Nov 2002 07:59:59 No more Newsletter replied:
Yeah, it's embedded in the email in a hidden attachment using base64 encoding. I've only seen it used as part of mailers like ASPEmail and vbSendmail... not sure how to do it from scratch. My guess is that you'd just need a base64 encoder (available for free online), including the encoded data in the message. The CID (contentID) is just a reference to the embedded image. It's kind of like uuencode.

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