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Smart Image Processor Error

Posted 22 Nov 2002 04:58:50
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22 Nov 2002 04:58:50 Lisa Monte posted:
I am trying to use PureASP upload with the new Smart Image Processor to upload and resize images while inserting the filename in a database. I've followed all the steps in the tutorial to do this but when I try to request the page from the server I get the following error message:

<font color=red>Microsoft JScript compilation error '800a03ec'

Expected ';'

/uploads/bio-images.asp, line 71

Response.Redirect RUF_RedirectURL</font id=red>

I left the redirect blank per the tutorial instructions so as to get the insert to run but the page won't load.

Does anyone know what is happening? Does this have anything to do with needing a server component?

Any help would be VERY appreciated.

Lisa Monte (cre8webs)

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