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bad connection
Posted 18 Nov 2002 23:16:21
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18 Nov 2002 23:16:21 Dawn Maestas posted:
I'm using UltraDev 4 to create an ASP page using an Access 2000 database on a Win98 system. When I try to create a recordset, UltraDev is unable to connect to the database. The server is an external host using Win NT. The hosting company told me to use a dnsless connection. So under Modify/Connections I created "connMegan" which is set up as follows: "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=P:\\megan\test\megan.mdb;User ID=XXX;Password=XXX;"
When I hit the test button, it gave me the following error: "Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user."
MS Access tech support states that I need to create another workgroup information file (.MDW) with open permissions and point to it with my connection string. I did that. The new string is:
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=P:\\megan\test\megan.mdb;User ID=XXX;Password=XXX;Jet OLEDB:System Database=P:\\megan\test\megan.mdw"
But I still get the same error. What is happening? What application is it trying to open and why is it still not finding the workgroup file? Are there any other possibilities? Solutions?
Can I send the files to anyone and see if they can make the connection work through their own system and server?
Dawn Maestas
OS: Win98
Server: IIS, Win NT
UD: 4.0
Code: ASP
DB: Access 2000
Replied 19 Nov 2002 19:02:40
19 Nov 2002 19:02:40 Dave Blohm replied:
When I use Access as a back-end, I get this error all the time becasue I'm used to working with SQL and don't have a local client side application with these, but you do with Access...
The short answer is that I get this error when I have the DB open in Access...try closing Access and test your conn string again...
Rangewalk Digital Studios
The short answer is that I get this error when I have the DB open in Access...try closing Access and test your conn string again...
Rangewalk Digital Studios