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On-Line HTML Editor and Form Mail

Posted 09 Oct 2002 18:45:34
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09 Oct 2002 18:45:34 Jim Moore posted:
Does anyone know if, or how, you can use George Petrov's PD On-line HTML Editor with Matt's Form Mail. I would like to create the capability for one to be able to post a resume (created with a Word Processing program) to the On-line HTML editor or compose the resume directly in the editor and when they click the save button the HTML version is e-mailed to my client. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Replied 14 Oct 2002 20:13:21
14 Oct 2002 20:13:21 Rene Bommezijn replied:
That's a lot of work to handcode. Use Dreamweaver Ultradev and install the extensions "PD Edit" , "Insert Auto Record" & "Send HTML Beta 4 (or update)" as you will probably need it more often.

The user submits his/her resume. The PD-edit HTML is written to an Access-database. The result.asp picks up the record-ID in the session, filters a recordset based on this record-ID and constructs a HTML-encoded e-mailmessage. 15 minutes of work (max!).

Replied 18 Oct 2002 12:19:49
18 Oct 2002 12:19:49 Alan Davies replied:
that is exactly the way i was going to say to do it.... but it's more like 14.5 minutes<img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

oh yeah and by the way i thought public domain made PD On-line HTML Editor (that is what the PD stands for i thought!!!) not George Petrov!!!!<img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Edited by - ventures on 18 Oct 2002 12:20:16

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