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Send HTML Mail Extension 1.0 Beta 4 for DWMX

Posted 25 Sep 2002 20:55:49
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25 Sep 2002 20:55:49 Peter Kutschmann posted:
HELP I urgently need to use the 'Send HTML Mail Extension 1.0 Beta 4' extension but do not have UltraDev4.

Does anyone know how this extension can be used in DWMX? Are there any updates for this extension? Otherwise, are there any alternative extensions some where??


Replied 08 Oct 2002 08:59:14
08 Oct 2002 08:59:14 Steve Davis replied:
Here's some code that might help

Set mailMessage = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
mailMessage.To = " "
'for testing - can monitor invisibly
'mailMessage.Bcc = " "
' Good practise to set a Reply-TO
mailMessage.Value("Reply-To" = " "
'this can be anything, but is good practise to set as a genuine email address
mailMessage.From = " "
'add subject
mailMessage.Subject = "Email subject"
'send as HTML format
mailMessage.MailFormat = 0
mailMessage.BodyFormat = 0

'stuff the body into the object
mailMessage.Body = orderBody
'send it
'destroy object
set mailMessage = nothing

All the best, Steve

Me? I can't even spell ASP!

Edited by - Microbe on 08 Oct 2002 09:03:12

Edited by - Microbe on 08 Oct 2002 09:16:51

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