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Anyone Got a Gun I can use to shoot myself!!!!

Posted 24 Sep 2002 03:08:13
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24 Sep 2002 03:08:13 Tom Chase posted:
Hi all, (this is my first post here so forgive me for typo's and sounding naive)...

I am having a huge problem with a psyuedo content management system I am creating... Whats happening is I have created a database with four tables... 1 for "articles" 1 for "pages" 1 for "links" and 1 for "users"....

So far I have created my "Articles" insertion, modifcation/deletion page with no problems. I then went through the same process with "Links" & "Pages", but I get some really weird things happening.... I can insert with no problems it takes the data and populates the database as request. But with I go to modify a record (this is under the "Pages" or "Links" tables) it brings up the information on only the first record in the table. But it calls out the right link.... ie: /~admin/modify.asp?id=5... but if displays the info for id=1. If I delete the record from the same /~admin/modify.asp?id=5 then id=5 is deleted.

I have torn these pages apart 5-6 times in the last 24 hours trying to figure out whats going on as well as why the "articles" section works fine with none of this screwy happening that the "links" & "pages" are giving...

Can someone please help me? Here is the active site

Thank you in advance.


PS. I am using dreamweaver mx/ a dnsless connection/access xp/


Replied 24 Sep 2002 06:02:04
24 Sep 2002 06:02:04 Tom Chase replied:
<font size=5><b>Just wanted to let you all know I some how fixed my problem... Thank you </b></font id=size5>

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