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Messed up code in MX

Posted 23 Sep 2002 02:57:07
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23 Sep 2002 02:57:07 Peter St.Clair posted:
Hi folks,

I think this is the first time I've actually visited the UDZone forums, even though I signed up a long time ago. In any case, greetings to all of you... <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

I've been using Dreamweaver, UD4, and MX successfully for years, but suddenly MX is screwing up my code so badly, and so consistently, that I've given up and gone back to using HomeSite. I know it's a simple solution, and it's not even the first time I've had this problem. But I haven't been able to figure out what I did to make this behavior start again.

I'm sure someone here will be able to tell me why, when I save an ASP file that starts like this (with a few strategic spaces added to prevent it from trying to execute):

&lt; % @ Language="VBScript" % &gt;&lt; %

It is actually saved as this:

&lt; MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_ASPSCRIPT" type="language" depFiles="" orig="%3C%25@ Language=%22VBScript%22 %25%3E" &gt;&lt; MM_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE NAME="VBScript" &gt;&lt; MM:EndLock &gt;
&lt; MM:BeginLock translatorClass="MM_ASPSCRIPT" type="script" depFiles="" orig="%3C%25'

How can I prevent this??

Many thanks in advance,
Peter St.Clair

Galactic Worlds (stop by if you have the time...)

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