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Creating several PHP Sessions from MySQL

Posted 10 Sep 2002 13:44:56
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10 Sep 2002 13:44:56 Abstract Chap posted:
Hoping some one can spot my error or just tell me a better way of doing this.

What I wanted to do was have a simple table in MySQL called "config" with two fields "configname" and "configvalue", then I would populate the table with setting for my web site, such as:

configname configvalue
sitename ABC Systems Limited
backcolour #FFFFFF

All so I can edit the site online and update many pages at the same time, and also add new config items as needed.

Using PHP 4.2.1 & MySQL on IIS, with PHPAkt 1.5.1 in UD4 created the following code:


$rs_config = $conn_topsites->Execute("SELECT * FROM bmts_config" or KT_DIE($conn_topsites->ErrorNo(),$conn_topsites->ErrorMsg());


$repeat_rs_config__numRows = -1;
$repeat_rs_config__index= 0;
$rs_config_numRows = $rs_config_numRows + $repeat_rs_config__numRows;

while (($repeat_rs_config__numRows-- != 0) && (!$rs_config->EOF))
$confighandle = "bmts_";
$confighandle .= $rs_config->Fields("configname";

session_register( '$confighandle' );

$confighandlevalue = $rs_config->Fields("configvalue";
$confighandle = $confighandlevalue;


// session_unset();



Then I tried to use the session values like such <title><?php echo $bmts_sitename ?></title> however evey value appears empty.

Looking as the seesion file on the server I get the following so think the sessions names are being created ok, but the values are not being assigned.


Hope that makes sense, and someone can help me .....please....




Replied 10 Sep 2002 21:55:19
10 Sep 2002 21:55:19 Michael O'Neill replied:
You may try changing
session_register( '$confighandle' );
session_register( 'confighandle' );

Hope this helps!

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