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pass info though url

Posted 03 Sep 2002 11:38:49
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03 Sep 2002 11:38:49 Garo Maka posted:
I need to pass three pieces of info (id, title and price) from a page1 to a page2, 2 pieces of info must be writen on page2 and one the id - be added to a url, so it can be pased to a page3.

This would be simple with database, but I cant use databases in the site.

Is there any way of passing this info though the url?

Meaby something like...
PAGE1: <a href="page2.asp?id=1&Title=the title here&Price=12"><img src="pic_1.png" /></a>

<%respons.write= get title %>
<%respons.write= get price%>
<a href="<%get the id from page1%>">click here</a>



Replied 04 Sep 2002 09:31:47
04 Sep 2002 09:31:47 Viktor Farcic replied:
To read data from QueryString:
<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code>&lt;%= Request.QueryString("id" %&gt;
&lt;%= Request.QueryString("Title" %&gt;
&lt;%= Request.QueryString("Price" %&gt;</font id=code></pre id=code>

Viktor Farcic
TalkZone Manager

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