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PHP, PHAkT, MX, Access and Windows 2000 Server

Posted 14 Aug 2002 17:40:40
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14 Aug 2002 17:40:40 rob thyssen posted:
Using DWMX, I have made a simple page to interact with an access database. It works fine on my testing server (DSN, XP Pro, IIS, PHP4). When I transfer everything to the Production Server (DSN, 2000 Server, IIS, PHP4), I get the following error message:
Warning: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in D:\sites\gbsigintranet\qasuppdb\adodb\drivers\ on line 116

I am quite sure that the DSN is fine (It has the same name as the DB) and everything else should be fine as it works ok on the testing server. Anyone got any ideas?


Replied 15 Aug 2002 17:58:54
15 Aug 2002 17:58:54 Aurel Sorin Cirstoiu replied:
You will have to make sure if the DSN is made corectly(not only the name).

Cirstoiu Aurel Sorin
InterAKT Support

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