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rating system extension

Posted 01 May 2001 02:34:46
has voted
01 May 2001 02:34:46 suhail kaleem posted:
does anybody know of a ud4 extension that can make a complete rating system with out any need of hand coding.


Replied 02 May 2001 19:13:27
02 May 2001 19:13:27 Joris van Lier replied:
What do you exactly mean with "rating system"?

I'm currently wo0rking on an ASP voting extension, maybe i could modify it to your needs...

Greetz Joris van Lier

Replied 03 May 2001 22:19:08
03 May 2001 22:19:08 suhail kaleem replied:
oh yes

i am making a web site in which people will see a pic and then rate it from 1 to 10 and all that rating will go to the access db and then tghe out put from the rate colum will show the totles votes and % of voting

that i mean -

please tell me when will be the extension avaialbe - i need it very badly .

email me when it is ready

tell me if you are working on this kind of extension that i explain above .

sorry for bad english

Replied 22 May 2001 03:28:48
22 May 2001 03:28:48 Thomas R replied:
It's not an extension you need but a whole site... (,
I am working on a similar design, I can sell you the completed template when I am done.

Replied 22 May 2001 14:22:47
22 May 2001 14:22:47 Joris van Lier replied:
I've built such a site..
You can get a licence for around $2000.

Still.. I would be happy to team up to write such an extension... (probably will be a suite)


Joris van Lier

Replied 22 May 2001 17:47:32
22 May 2001 17:47:32 Quy To replied:
Check out the FREE DUrating application (built 100% with UltraDev) at
Home of DUforum, DUpoll, & DUrating
Replied 22 May 2001 22:40:56
22 May 2001 22:40:56 suhail kaleem replied:
thank every body i will check out the links

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