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Posted 22 Jul 2002 14:55:59
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22 Jul 2002 14:55:59 Simon Bloodworth posted:
While I know this is something that is so simple it is staring me in the face, but for the life of me I cant get erults from a search to sort buy date. All I seem to get is the top record being the most recent date, but records that follow are not in order. Does anyone have the answer?


Replied 22 Jul 2002 15:12:17
22 Jul 2002 15:12:17 Kent Steelman replied:
You can accomplish this in one of two ways. I am making the assumption you are connected to a database.
1. You can create a query that sorts the results by date (ascending or descending) or
2. You can place a "Order By" <field_name> "Qualifier" in your SQL statement. Where "field_name" is the name of the date field and "Qualifier" is either ascending or decending.

Wm. Kent Steelman
Replied 22 Jul 2002 15:23:43
22 Jul 2002 15:23:43 Simon Bloodworth replied:
Excellent, thanks very much.

Red Leader
Replied 22 Jul 2002 18:28:43
22 Jul 2002 18:28:43 aegis kleais replied:
If you want, I created a tutorial for an autosort/auto-order system.

Aegis Kleais
New Media Web Developer
(DWMX : IIS5.1 : SQL2K : WXP : ASP[VB/JS])

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