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Exporting to Excel
18 Jul 2002 21:43:45 Jeff H posted:
I have a data driven site which contains a page that consist of a report region for a registration site. I need to export this information in to an offline excel file which admins can view the data and re-sort them as if it was created in Excel. I reviewed the information in this forum for excel (using the as application) and the download repeat region, and neither is doing what I need it to do. Can you provide me with any other options? Replies
Replied 20 Jul 2002 19:03:53
20 Jul 2002 19:03:53 Tabe Ydo replied:
hello Itspock,
I am struggeling with the same problem. I am gonna try to export the file to a csv file. (Comma Seperated File) that will be opend by excell.
It can be done with the FSO-object, but i am not sure how exactually.
Let me know if it works out
I am struggeling with the same problem. I am gonna try to export the file to a csv file. (Comma Seperated File) that will be opend by excell.
It can be done with the FSO-object, but i am not sure how exactually.
Let me know if it works out
Replied 21 Jul 2002 21:36:46
21 Jul 2002 21:36:46 Mitchel Tendler replied:
There's an extention for that...let me look around.