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PureASP Upload Delete B4 Record error?

Posted 15 Jul 2002 17:12:49
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15 Jul 2002 17:12:49 Greg Olone posted:
In the PureASP Upload Add-On Pack, when applying the Delete Before Record behavior, in the Upload Folder field, I need to enter an ASP function Request.Form("variablename", but it keeps getting changed into a string. If I go to the code and change it, I get an error about the behavior being only partially deleted. Anyone have any ideas?

Greg O'Lone, President
Stretched Out Software, Inc.


Replied 15 Jul 2002 17:17:10
15 Jul 2002 17:17:10 Greg Olone replied: I tried something that sorta works.

Entering <font color=maroon>" + Request.Form('SOS_filePath') + "</font id=maroon> into the upload folder field allows me to do what I want to do, but the behavior list only displays <font color=maroon>Delete File Before Record (,ArticleLink)</font id=maroon>

Greg O'Lone, President
Stretched Out Software, Inc.

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