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Locking an Image

Posted 30 Jun 2002 05:29:58
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30 Jun 2002 05:29:58 Matt Cooper posted:
I am creating a Used Car website. I would like the user to be able to upload an image for a vehicle and stay the same size no matter what size the image is.

Anyone know how to do this?


Matt Cooper

Matt Cooper
Plan B Solutiosn


Replied 30 Jun 2002 06:18:47
30 Jun 2002 06:18:47 aegis kleais replied:
I'm not understanding this. If you upload an image and then choose to display and image (without setting a width and height value in the HTML), the image SHOULD display at it's actual size. There's no need for any extranerous coding.

As for the uploading, PUSE ASP UPLOAD 2.0 (prolly the only advertisement banner in the top right of your screen now) seems to do well for most people.
Replied 30 Jun 2002 06:26:16
30 Jun 2002 06:26:16 Matt Cooper replied:

My question is how to actually set a size. So say one image is 800x600 and another is 996x789 and I want all of them to be 230x198

Can you help me with that?



Matt Cooper
Plan B Solutiosn
Replied 30 Jun 2002 17:12:08
30 Jun 2002 17:12:08 aegis kleais replied:
That should still be simple enough. When you place the dynamic image, just type in the width and heights. THe image will be forced to that size. This is NOT a good thumbnail system because you will still be downloading the large image and then just resizing it to possiblly smaller than it originally is.

From the UD component, press IMAGE > Data Source > Select the Field that contains the image location, and then open the properties inspector and fill in the width and height
Replied 01 Jul 2002 11:22:49
01 Jul 2002 11:22:49 Russell Marshall replied:
If I understand you correctly I am trying to do the same thing.

Are you trying to display all images regardless of there actual size within the size 230 x 198 and keep the images proportionally acurate.

I have found some info at
Unfortunately I cannot get it to work.

Maybe we should join forces on this one and help each other.

Take a look at my question which is about 3 above yours on the list. It may help you.

Let me know if you make progress.

Good luck

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