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Delete page (multidelete) works sometimes

Posted 28 Jun 2002 14:37:50
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28 Jun 2002 14:37:50 dyna c posted:
I have multidelete page Tim helped me with (thanks Tim) the delete works fine if I submit the delete form my PC 1/2 Meg Internet connection. When the delete is done from a PC with a dialup connection the selected records do not delete.
What I have noticed with the dialup is that when the page is submitted - it takes around 10 - 20 (egg timer) secs to return me back to the delete page

Some how I think its got something do with the slow connection but can't figure it out.

This is really weird and any help greatly appreciated


Replied 28 Jun 2002 17:34:49
28 Jun 2002 17:34:49 Brent Colflesh replied:
Dear MrDynamic,
What kind of server is your script running on? Perhaps they have a script timeout set...


Replied 29 Jun 2002 00:40:08
29 Jun 2002 00:40:08 dyna c replied:
good old php 4.12 apache 1.3 mysql
and "cool" phakt 1.3
Replied 01 Jul 2002 18:37:43
01 Jul 2002 18:37:43 Brent Colflesh replied:
Dear MrDynamic,
Check the Apache TimeOut directive - I believe the default is 300 seconds, but I don't remember anymore.


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