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Upsizing Access to MSSQL Server 2000

Posted 21 Jun 2002 21:54:38
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21 Jun 2002 21:54:38 Michael Rudge posted:
I have read all the documentation etc... but must be missing something. I have upsized the Access DB successfully, but when I do I have to specify the SQL Server. The new MSSQL DB that I create needs to moved to a hosting service. How do I upsize the DB and move from the server Icreated it on? Is it the .mdf file, just transfer it then create a DSN connection? Cna anyone better explain this to me?

Michael Rudge


Replied 21 Jun 2002 23:53:38
21 Jun 2002 23:53:38 Owen Eastwick replied:
You need to connect to the Server with the Client Network Utility then register the remote SQL Server in Enterprise Manager then use Import/Export to copy the database objects from your local SQL Server to your SQL Server at the host.

Take a look at this post:



Multiple Parameter UD4 / Access 2000 Database Search Tutorial:

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