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Dynamic SQL statment???

Posted 09 Jun 2002 20:31:21
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09 Jun 2002 20:31:21 Matthijs Horsman posted:
Hello all,

I have the following problem...

I have a search form where people are supposed to search for houses in different locations. So for example i wanna look for a house in Amsterdam, Londen and Paris. These placenames are dynamicly created from a recordset, an can change, depending on the places enterd in the Content Managemt System.
Normally i would create a dropdown with the places and let people search for one places (for example; Amsterdam) but now i want the visitors of the site to be able to check some checkboxes for all the places they are looking for.

You can just name all checkboxes "location" but then i just get a querystring with a comma (,) and Acces doesn't allow that.

I hope anyone had a way to point me, any help or suggestions would be helpfull..

(as i said i am using an Acces Database....)

Thanx in advance...


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