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Using IN operator?

Posted 10 May 2002 17:15:02
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10 May 2002 17:15:02 Martin Galabinski posted:

I have a field called CAT that stores a list like (1,2,5,7)
I want to do a query where at least one item in the list is a match.

when I try
WHERE 'MMColPARAM' in(cat)

It only returns the correct records if an exact match. How do I get it to return the records if the MMColParam is in the list?




Replied 11 May 2002 13:18:30
11 May 2002 13:18:30 Viktor Farcic replied:

Viktor Farcic

TalkZone Manager
Replied 11 May 2002 17:43:17
11 May 2002 17:43:17 Martin Galabinski replied:
Thanks but this doesn't do it. The data in cat is stored as 1, 2, 3, 4

Each item is followed by a comma and space. If I switch the statement to
WHERE cat Like '%MMColPARAM%' then I get more than I asked for. 11 comes up if I want 1.

Is there a tutorial somewhere on using multiple select list boxes. I want to use them to add to a database and also so a person could update a database. That means refilling the list box with all items from another table and then listing them and highlighting the selected ones. Any ideas?


Replied 12 May 2002 04:24:59
12 May 2002 04:24:59 Andrew Watson replied:
This is an idea...

If you start your cat field with a space and end it with a comma so the content would look like this..

1, 2, 3, 4,

and not

1, 2, 3, 4

then you could simply filter the recordset like this... <pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code>

WHERE Cat LIKE '% " + Request.QueryString("Category" + ",%'"</font id=code></pre id=code>

(the desired 'cat' is coming from a querystring, just replace your MMColParam here)

notice ive just searched for SPACEcatCOMMA

This seems to work.....i think

:: Son, im Thirty.... ::

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