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Upload to Multiple Folders

Posted 30 Apr 2002 17:00:05
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30 Apr 2002 17:00:05 Kurt Buesching posted:
I'm wondering if anyone has been able to modify PureASP to upload to two different directories (on the same server) simultaneously? Either this or I need to have the file copied from one directory to the other once the upload is complete. Any suggestions?


Replied 30 Apr 2002 18:21:04
30 Apr 2002 18:21:04 johannes nel replied:
the asp code:

dim fso
set fso = server.CreateObject _("Scripting.FileSystemobject"
'test if file is there
if fso.fileexists (fileName&&path) then
fso.MoveFile source
_[fileName&&path], _
destination[path only]
''no file no copy!!
end if

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