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Phakt Record Insertion Form problem
Posted 13 Apr 2002 16:31:31
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13 Apr 2002 16:31:31 Roelof Schuiling posted:
When I try to automatically generate the code with the Record Insertion Form in the latest Phakt, it does not function. On top of the generated page, in the HTML-ouput, it says:0)) { $MM_editRedirectUrl .= ((strpos($MM_editRedirectUrl, '?') == false)?"?":"&" . $QUERY_STRING; } } ?>Execute($MM_editQuery) or DIE($connBoekenkast->ErrorMsg()); if ($MM_editRedirectUrl) { header ("Location: $MM_editRedirectUrl" } } } ?>
Just in front of this line (in Notepad-view) is a > sign, so I suspect something's wrong with that. Can anyone help?