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Problems with search results pages

Posted 23 Mar 2002 17:37:12
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23 Mar 2002 17:37:12 Gareth Davies posted:
<font face='Arial'>I've done a site using Ultradev for a property leasing company. All
seemed to be working fine until they built up the database and I've
now found that when searching with certain criteria the results pages
don't act as I'd expect. Here's the URL of the live site:

Go to the search option, select "All regions" but for "Price per
Month" select "over £1500".

It will show first page, and indicate above the photos colums that
these are "Properties 1 to 8 of 11" which match the search criteria.
However, if you scroll to foot of page, and click on "Next page" the
next page does not give you the remaining 3 properties, but goes to
the beginning of the database, showing all properties starting from
the cheapest - so you have to then work your way through every page
to see all properties over £1500! If I look at the URL of the "next page" link in the status bar it shows:£1500&Submit2=Search&offset=8

..which seems OK, but that's not what the next page returns! I've no idea what's wrong with this and as I'm new to database driven
sites/Ultradev (and pretty clueless re ASP etc!) I'd appreciate if
anyone can look at this and suggest what I need to do to fix it. If
you need me to post any other info, just let me know.

(By the way, yes I know about the bottom of the results page
background tiling problem! That's just started happening cos the
client is puttimg much more text in the brief description field than
was originally envisaged, and as a result each pages is now longer
than expected. Im going to fix this shortly by creating a bigger
background image, or reducing no of properties displayed per page).


Gareth</font id='Arial'>


Replied 24 Mar 2002 13:55:08
24 Mar 2002 13:55:08 Matthijs Horsman replied:
Hi Garteh,

I think the problem is not so hard to solve, i think the problem is that when you perform your search, you use the POST method, but when you move to the next page you use the GET method, by just pressing the link... so change all the pages in Request.QueryString("searchvalue" in stead of Request.Form("searchvalue" that should solve your problem...

Let me know if it works out...

Replied 09 Nov 2007 21:42:51
09 Nov 2007 21:42:51 Fadi Husen replied:
I had exactly the same problem and took me all day to fix it.

As Mr. Matthijs Horsman Said (Thank You a 1,000,000) for that

The Form should Be Get & Not Post in the SQL it should be Request.QueryString("Value"
and not Request.Form("Value"

Because Request.Form("Value" works only once ! and then you cannot use Record Navigation.

Mr. Matthijs Horsman I owe you a favour if you come to Dubai let me know - I will take you for a drink (or 2 or 3 or 4 or more)

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