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email order confirmation

Posted 07 Mar 2002 15:47:30
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07 Mar 2002 15:47:30 Richard Davies posted:
I'm working with the mail extension now and want to send an email confirmation of an order to customers. However I am a bit worried about sending credit card details by email.

Do you think that it is wrong to send an order confirmation with payment details in it? Would it have to be secured?

My customer wants to have orders sent to him by fax and I need to work out how to do this. I have found an email to fax service but it is quite limited (only 30 emails a day allowed).
Do you know any better alternatives?




Replied 14 Mar 2002 22:07:01
14 Mar 2002 22:07:01 Joel Martinez replied:
I don't suggest sending CC info through email...

if you can't find a better fax service, and he wants the info faxed to him, perhaps you could work out a schedule where you could print out a report of orders and fax it to him once a day or something... shouldn't be too difficult to write the report.

Joel Martinez
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