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Posted 23 Feb 2002 19:27:06
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23 Feb 2002 19:27:06 Neil Munday posted:

I'm having an annoying problem with a couple of ASP pages on my website and I'm desperate for a solution. I'll explain as best I can with as much information as possible.

I'm using UltraDev 4 and I'm working through the 'Macromedia Dreamweaver Ultradev 4' book.

I have created an asp page which contains a form which in turn contains a textbox. Into this textbox I enter a StatusID and then click submit. This calls a second asp page which retrieves the value of the textbox and performs a search and outputs the results to the page. Everything so far works SUCCESSFULLY.

So what is the problem I hear you say? Well, the problem comes when I return back to the original asp page with the textbox. If I key another value and click Submit the second page is called but I get the usual error page with an 'Unknown' error. Very strange. Everything works fine when I search for the first time but it doesn't work again.

If I exit IE and then restart the search works again, but only once.

So now I'm very confused, the backend setup with the Access database must be OK for it to work fine in the first place.

I have looked on the Macromedia support site which recommended I increase the timeout for my DSN. I have done this an increased the value from 5 to 5000 as advised.

I'm not sure if it connected but when I have the Search results page open and select the Live Data option it doesn't work. Again I get the Unknown error.

So, this error occurs when I use IE and view the page via the localhost, when I F12 in Ultradev and when I view the site as a whole starting from the default page in Ultradev.

Connected with the help given by the Macromedia support site was a Knowledge Base article regarding permissions. I didn't really understand this. I am using Windows 2000 and an Access Database.

I hope I have given enough information to detail this problem.

Can anyone help? Any suggestions will be very much appreciated. I just can't understand why it works the first time.

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