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date values into one db field
Posted 23 Feb 2002 13:06:20
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23 Feb 2002 13:06:20 Matthijs Horsman posted:
Hi there and hello,I have the following question:
I want the user to input a date to a db. It ahs to be doen in the long time format like: 22/10/01 22:00. That no problem when i let the user fill out one field but i want the user to fill in the date in one field and the time in two different dropdowns, one for the hours and one for the minutes.
Because i want to make some calculations with the date and time, i want this values in ONE field in the database.
I thought i could but i don't know how... so if anyone out there knows how to... please let me know...
Thanks in advance...
Replied 05 Mar 2002 07:39:37
05 Mar 2002 07:39:37 Steven Tam replied:
try inserting this...
<input name=date ...>
<input name=time ...>
<input type="hidden" name="date_time" value="<%= Request.Form("date" %><%= Request.Form("time" %>">
<input name=date ...>
<input name=time ...>
<input type="hidden" name="date_time" value="<%= Request.Form("date" %><%= Request.Form("time" %>">