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creating links from text stored in memo field??

Posted 13 Feb 2002 23:51:53
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13 Feb 2002 23:51:53 Rick Harding posted:
how can I catch urls in my memo field in my database to make them links when displaying the text. ex: in the news&updates one the left if I have a url in the body or summary of a news item I'd like it to be linked.

Rick Harding
U of M CS Student / Network Admin for MSU FAME
"Techies just think least that's what they keep telling me"


Replied 14 Feb 2002 03:50:50
14 Feb 2002 03:50:50 Rick Harding replied:
never mind, I've gotten it. I had to go to 'xxx' instead of " to get the urls to work if I typed them in.

Thanks though

Rick Harding
U of M CS Student / Network Admin for MSU FAME
"Techies just think least that's what they keep telling me"

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