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UltraDEV and shopping cart

Posted 13 Feb 2002 23:18:01
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13 Feb 2002 23:18:01 salud diaz posted:
Can someone tell me why my records and buttons are been repeted on my shopping cart?

Here's the cart.asp code:

<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code>

// UltraDev UCart include file Version 1.0
function UC_ShoppingCart(Name, cookieLifetime, colNames, colComputed) // Cart constructor
// Name is the name of this cart. This is not really used in this implementation.
// cookieLifeTime is in days. A value of 0 means do not use cookies.
// colNames is a list of column names (must contain: ProductID, Quantity, Price, Total)
// colComputed is a list of computed columns (zero length string means don't compute col.)

// Public methods or UC_Cart API
this.AddItem = UCaddItem; // Add an item to the cart
this.GetColumnValue = GetColumnValue; // Get a value from the cart
this.Destroy = UCDestroy; // remove all items, delete session, delete client cookie (if any)
this.SaveToDatabase = SaveToDatabase; // persist cart to database.
this.GetItemCount = GetItemCount; // the number of items in the cart.
this.Update = Update; // Update the cart quantities.
this.GetColumnTotal = GetColumnTotal; // Get the sum of a cart column for all items (e.g. price or shipping wt.).
this.GetContentsSerial = UCGetContentsSerial// Get the contents of the cart as a single delimited string
this.SetContentsSerial = UCSetContentsSerial// Set the contents of the cart from a serial string (obtained from GetContentsSerial)
this.GetColNamesSerial = UCGetColNamesSerial// Get the list of column names as a delimited string.

this.SC = null; // Cart data array
this.numCols = colNames.length;
this.colComputed = colComputed;
this.colNames = colNames;
this.Name = Name;
this.cookieLifetime = cookieLifetime;
this.bStoreCookie = (cookieLifetime != 0);

// (not used internally, but added to provide a place to store this data)
this.CustomerID = null;
this.OrderID = null;
this.Tax = null;
this.ShippingCost = null;

this.PRODUCTID = "ProductID"; // Required SKU cart column
this.QUANTITY = "Quantity"; // Required Quantity cart column
this.PRICE = "Price"; // Required Price cart column
this.TOTAL = "Total"; // Required Total column
this.cookieColDel = "#UC_C#"
this.cookieRowDel = "#UC_R#"

this.AssertCartValid = AssertCartValid

// Private methods - don't call these unless you understand the internals.
this.GetIndexOfColName = UCgetIndexOfColName;
this.GetDataFromBindings = UCgetDataFromBindings;
this.FindItem = UCfindItem;
this.ComputeItemTotals = ComputeItemTotals;
this.persist = UCpersist;

this.BuildInsertColumnList = BuildInsertColumnList;
this.BuildInsertValueList = BuildInsertValueList;
this.UpdateQuantities = UpdateQuantities;
this.UpdateTotals = UpdateTotals;
this.DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity = DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity;
this.CheckAddItemConfig = CheckAddItemConfig;
this.ColumnExistsInRS = ColumnExistsInRS;
this.DeleteLineItem = DeleteLineItem;
this.GetCookieName = GetCookieName;
this.SetCookie = SetCookie;
this.PopulateFromCookie = PopulateFromCookie;
this.DestroyCookie = UCDestroyCookie;

// Cart "internals" documentation:
// The this.SC datastructure is a single variable of type array.
// Each array element corresponds to a cart column. For example:
// Array element 1: ProductID
// Array element 2: Quantity
// Array element 3: Price
// Array elemetn 4: Total
// Each of these is an array. Each array index corresponds to a line item.
// As such, each array should always be exactly the same length.
this.AssertCartValid(colNames, "Cart Initialization: ";
if (Session(this.Name) != null) {
this.SC = Session(this.Name).SC;
} else {
this.SC = new Array(this.numCols);
for (var i = 0; i &lt; this.numCols; i++) this.SC[i] = new Array();

// Since the cart doesn't exist in session, check for cookie from previous session
if (this.bStoreCookie){
cookieName = this.GetCookieName();
cookieStr = Request.Cookies(cookieName);
if (cookieStr != null && String(cookieStr) != "undefined" && cookieStr != ""
// Create a reference in the Session, pass the whole object (methods are not copied)

// convert vb style arrays to js style arrays.
function UC_VbToJsArray(a) {
if (a!=null && a.length==null) {
a = new VBArray(a);
a = a.toArray();
return a;

function UCpersist() {
Session(this.Name) = this;
if (this.bStoreCookie) this.SetCookie();

function UCDestroy(){
this.SC = new Array(this.numCols); // empty the "in-memory" cart.
for (var i = 0; i &lt; this.numCols; i++) this.SC[i] = new Array();
if (this.bStoreCookie) this.DestroyCookie() // remove the cookie

function UCgetDataFromBindings(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) {
var values = new Array(bindingTypes.length)
for (i=0; i&lt;bindingTypes.length; i++) {
var bindVal = bindingValues[i];
if (bindingTypes[i] == "RS"{
values[i] = String(adoRS(bindVal).Value)
if (values[i] == "undefined" values[i] = "";
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "FORM"{
values[i] = String(Request(bindVal))
if (values[i] == "undefined" values[i] = "";
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "LITERAL" values[i] = bindVal;
else if (bindingTypes[i] == "NONE" values[i] = ""; // no binding
else assert(false,"Unrecognized binding type: " + bindingTypes[i]); // Unrecognized binding type
return values;

function UCfindItem(bindingTypes, values){
// A product is a duplicate if it has the same unique ID
// AND all values from form bindings (except quantity) are the same
var indexProductID = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRODUCTID);
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
assert(indexProductID &gt;=0, "UC_Cart.js: Internal error 143";
assert(indexQuantity &gt;=0, "UC_Cart.js: Internal error 144";
var newRow = -1
for (var iRow=0; iRow&lt;this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
found = true; // assume found
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != indexQuantity) {
if ((iCol==indexProductID) || (bindingTypes[iCol]=="FORM") {
if (this.SC[iCol][iRow] != values[iCol]) {
found = false;
} }
} }
if (found) {
newRow = iRow;
return newRow

function UCaddItem(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues, alreadyInCart){
// alreadyInCart can be "increment" or "replace" to handle duplicate items in cart.
bindingTypes = UC_VbToJsArray(bindingTypes);
bindingValues = UC_VbToJsArray(bindingValues);

// Check that length of binding types/values arrays is consistent with cart configuration
assert(bindingTypes.length == this.numCols, "UCaddItem: Array length mismatch (internal error 403)";
assert(bindingValues.length == this.numCols, "UCaddItem: Array length mismatch (internal error 404)";

// debug call
//this.CheckAddItemConfig(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues);

var values = this.GetDataFromBindings(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) // get the actual values based on bindings
var newRow = this.FindItem(bindingTypes, values); // Check if this item is already in cart
if (newRow == -1) { // append a new item
newRow = this.GetItemCount();
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) { // add data
this.SC[iCol][newRow] = values[iCol];
this.ComputeItemTotals(newRow); // add computed columns (defined in colsComputed)
} else if (alreadyInCart == "increment" {
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow] = parseInt(this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow]) + parseInt(values[indexQuantity])
if (isNaN(this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow])) this.SC[indexQuantity][newRow] = 1;

function UCgetIndexOfColName(colName) {
var retIndex = -1;
for (var i=0; i&lt;this.numCols; i++) {
if (this.colNames[i] == colName) {
retIndex = i;
return retIndex;

function ComputeItemTotals(row){
var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var qty = parseInt(this.SC[indexQuantity][row])
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) {
var colToCompute = this.colComputed[iCol];
if (colToCompute != "" {
indexColToCompute = this.GetIndexOfColName(colToCompute);
this.SC[iCol][row] = parseFloat(this.SC[indexColToCompute][row]) * qty;

function CheckAddItemConfig(adoRS, bindingTypes, bindingValues) {
var ERR_SOURCE = "CheckAddItemConfig: "
var ERR_RS_BINDING_VALUE = "Column for Recordset binding does not exist in recordset";
// Check that all rs column names exist for rs binding types
for (var i = 0; i &lt; bindingTypes.length; i++) {
if (bindingTypes[i] == "RS"{
assert(this.ColumnExistsInRS(adoRS, bindingValues[i]), ERR_SOURCE + bindingValues[i] + ": " + ERR_RS_BINDING_VALUE);

function ColumnExistsInRS(adoRS, colName) {
var bColExists = false;
var items = new Enumerator(adoRS.Fields);
while (!items.atEnd()) {
if (items.item().Name == colName){
bColExists = true;
return bColExists;

function GetColumnValue(colName, row){
var retValue = "&nbsp;";
var indexCol = this.GetIndexOfColName(colName);
assert(!isNaN(row), "cart.GetColumnValue: row is not a number - row = " + row);
assert(indexCol &gt;=0, "cart.GetColumnValue: Could not find column \"" + colName + "\" in the cart";
assert(row&gt;=0, "cart.GetColumnValue: Bad row number input to cart - row = " + row);
assert(this.GetItemCount()&gt;0, "cart.GetColumnValue: The cart is empty - the requested data is unavailable";
assert(row&lt;this.GetItemCount(), "cart.GetColumnValue: The line item number is greater than the number of items in the cart - row = " + row + "; GetItemCount = " + this.GetItemCount());
if (this.GetItemCount()&gt;0) {
retValue = this.SC[indexCol][row];
return retValue;

function UpdateQuantities(formElementName) {
var items = new Enumerator(Request.Form(formElementName))
var j = 0;
indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var qty = parseInt(items.item());
if (isNaN(qty) || qty &lt; 0) {
this.SC[indexQuantity][j++] = 0
} else {
this.SC[indexQuantity][j++] = qty;

function UpdateTotals() {
// this would be a little more efficient by making the outer loop over cols rather than rows.
for (var iRow=0; iRow&lt;this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {

function DeleteItemsWithNoQuantity() {
var tmpSC= new Array(this.numCols);
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) tmpSC[iCol] = new Array();

var indexQuantity = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var iDest = 0;
for (var iRow=0; iRow&lt;this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (this.SC[indexQuantity][iRow] != 0) {
for (iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) {
tmpSC[iCol][iDest] = this.SC[iCol][iRow];
this.SC = tmpSC;

function Update(formElementName){
// Get new quantity values from Request object.
// Assume they are all named the same, so you will get
// an array. The array length should be the same as the number
// of line items and in the same order.

function BuildInsertColumnList(orderIDCol, mappings){
var colList = orderIDCol;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; mappings.length; i++) {
if (mappings[i] != ""{
colList += ", " + mappings[i];
colList = "(" + colList + "";
return colList;

function BuildInsertValueList(orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes, row){
var values = "";
if (orderIDColType == "num" {
values += orderIDVal;
} else {
values += "'" + orderIDVal.toString().replace(/'/g, "''" + "'";

for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++){
if (destCols[iCol] != "" {
if (destColTypes[iCol] == "num" {
assert(this.SC[iCol][row] != "", "SaveToDatabase: A numeric value is missing in the SQL statement in column " + this.colNames[iCol]);
values += ", " + this.SC[iCol][row];
} else {
values += ", '" + (this.SC[iCol][row]).toString().replace(/'/g, "''" + "'";
values = "(" + values + "";
return values;

function SaveToDatabase(adoConn, dbTable, orderIDCol, orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes){
// we are going to build SQL INSERT statements and
// throw it at the connection / table
// Similar to existing UD insert to database behavior
var ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH = "Array length must match the number of cart columns&lt;BR&gt;";
var ERR_TRANS = "An error occured when inserting cart items in the database. The transaction was rolled back&lt;BR&gt;";
destCols = UC_VbToJsArray(destCols);
destColTypes = UC_VbToJsArray(destColTypes);
assert (destCols.length == this.numCols, "SaveToDatabase: " + "destCols - " + ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH);
assert (destColTypes.length == this.numCols, "SaveToDatabase: " + "destColTypes - " + ERR_MAPPINGS_LENGTH);

var insertColList = this.BuildInsertColumnList(orderIDCol, destCols);

if (insertColList != "" { //proceed only if we have a column list
var insertClause = "INSERT INTO " + dbTable + " " + insertColList + " VALUES ";
var recs;
for (var iRow=0; iRow&lt;this.GetItemCount(); iRow++){
var valList = this.BuildInsertValueList(orderIDColType, orderIDVal, destCols, destColTypes, iRow);
var sql = insertClause + valList;
adoConn.Execute(sql, recs, 1 /*adCmdText*/);
if (adoConn.Errors.Count == 0){
this.Destroy(); // All items saved to database, we can trash the cart
} else {
//assert(false, "SaveToDatabase: " + ERR_TRANS); Don't assert here - let ASP display the database error.

function GetItemCount(){
return this.SC[0].length

function GetColumnTotal(colName){
// Generic column Total function
var colTotal = 0.0;
index = this.GetIndexOfColName(colName);
for (var i=0; i&lt;this.SC[index].length; i++)
colTotal += parseFloat(this.SC[index][i]);

return colTotal

function DeleteLineItem(row){
assert(!isNaN(row), "Failure in call to DeleteLineItem - row is not a number";
assert(row&gt;=0 && row &lt;this.GetItemCount(), "failure in call to DeleteLineItem (internal error 121)";

var tmpSC= new Array(this.numCols);
var iDest = 0;
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) tmpSC[iCol] = new Array();
for (var iRow=0; iRow&lt;this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (iRow != row) {
for (iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) {
tmpSC[iCol][iDest] = this.SC[iCol][iRow];
this.SC = tmpSC;

function UCGetColNamesSerial(colDelim) {
var serialCols = "";
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != 0) serialCols += colDelim;
serialCols += this.colNames[iCol];
return serialCols;

function UCGetContentsSerial(colDelim, rowDelim) {
var serialCart = "";
for (var iRow=0; iRow&lt;this.GetItemCount(); iRow++) {
if (iRow != 0) serialCart += rowDelim
for (var iCol=0; iCol&lt;this.numCols; iCol++) {
if (iCol != 0) serialCart += colDelim;
serialCart += this.SC[iCol][iRow];
return serialCart;

function UCSetContentsSerial(serialCart, colDelim, rowDelim) {
var Rows = String(serialCart).split(rowDelim)
for (iRow = 0; iRow &lt; Rows.length; iRow++) {
if (Rows[iRow] != "undefined" && Rows[iRow] != "" {
Cols = Rows[iRow].split(colDelim)
iCol = 0
for (iCol = 0; iCol&lt;Cols.length; iCol++) {
this.SC[iCol][iRow] = Cols[iCol]

function SetCookie(){
var cookieName = this.GetCookieName()
var cookieStr = this.GetContentsSerial(this.cookieColDel, this.cookieRowDel)
var cookieExp = GetCookieExp(this.cookieLifetime)
Response.Cookies(cookieName) = cookieStr
Response.Cookies(cookieName).expires = cookieExp

function GetCookieName(){
var server = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME";
return server + this.Name;

function UCDestroyCookie(){
cookieName = this.GetCookieName();
Response.Cookies(cookieName) = ""
Response.Cookies(cookieName).expires = "1/1/90"

function PopulateFromCookie(cookieStr){
this.SetContentsSerial(cookieStr, this.cookieColDel, this.cookieRowDel)

// ***************** debug code ********************
function assert(bool, msg) {
if (!bool) {
Response.Write("&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;An error occured in the UltraDev shopping cart:&lt;BR&gt;" + msg + "&lt;BR&gt;";

function AssertCartValid(colNames, msg) {
// go through all cart data structures and insure consistency.
// For example all column arrays should be the same length.
// this function should be called often, especially just after
// makeing changes to the data structures (adding, deleting, etc.)
// also verify we always have the required columns:
// ProductID, Quantity, Price, Total

// the input arg is some I add as I code this package like
// "Prior to return from AddToCart"
var ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS = "Cookie settings on this page are inconsistent with those stored in the session cart&lt;BR&gt;";
var ERR_BAD_NAME = "Cart name defined on this page is inconsistent with the cart name stored in the session&lt;BR&gt;";
var ERR_COLUMN_COUNT = "The number of cart columns defined on this page is inconsistent with the cart stored in the session&lt;BR&gt;";
var ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMNS = "Too few columns; minimum number of columns is 4&lt;BR&gt;";
var ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME = "Required Column is missing or at the wrong offset: ";
var ERR_COLUMN_NAMES = "Cart column names defined on this page are inconsistent with the cart stored in the session";
var ERR_INCONSISTENT_ARRAY_LENGTH = "Length of the arrays passed to cart constructor are inconsistent&lt;BR&gt;"
var errMsg = "";
var sessCart = Session(this.Name);

if (sessCart != null) { // Validate inputs against session cart if it exists
if (sessCart.Name != this.Name) errMsg += ERR_BAD_NAME;
if (this.numCols &lt; 4) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMNS;
if (sessCart.numCols != this.numCols) errMsg += "Column Name Array: " + ERR_COLUMN_COUNT;
if (sessCart.numCols != this.colComputed.length) errMsg += "Computed Column Array: " + ERR_COLUMN_COUNT;
if (sessCart.bStoreCookie != this.bStoreCookie) errMsg += "Using Cookies: " + ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS;
if (sessCart.cookieLifetime != this.cookieLifetime) errMsg += "Cookie Lifetime: " + ERR_COOKIE_SETTINGS;

// check that required columns are in the same place
var productIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRODUCTID);
var quantityIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.QUANTITY);
var priceIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.PRICE);
var totalIndex = this.GetIndexOfColName(this.TOTAL);

if (colNames[productIndex] != "ProductID" errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "ProductID&lt;BR&gt;";
if (colNames[quantityIndex] != "Quantity" errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Quantity&lt;BR&gt;";
if (colNames[priceIndex] != "Price" errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Price&lt;BR&gt;";
if (colNames[totalIndex] != "Total" errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Total&lt;BR&gt;";
else { // if cart doesn't exist in session, validate input array lengths and presence of reqiured columns
if (this.numCols != this.colComputed.length) errMsg += ERR_INCONSISTENT_ARRAY_LENGTH;

var bProductID = false, bQuantity = false, bPrice = false, bTotal = false;

for (var j = 0; j &lt; colNames.length; j++) {
if (colNames[j] == "ProductID" bProductID = true;
if (colNames[j] == "Quantity" bQuantity= true;
if (colNames[j] == "Price" bPrice = true;
if (colNames[j] == "Total" bTotal = true;
if (!bProductID) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "ProductID&lt;BR&gt;";
if (!bQuantity) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Quantity&lt;BR&gt;";
if (!bPrice) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Price&lt;BR&gt;";
if (!bTotal) errMsg += ERR_REQUIRED_COLUMN_NAME + "Total&lt;BR&gt;";

if (errMsg != "" {
Response.Write(msg + "&lt;BR&gt;";
Response.Write(errMsg + "&lt;BR&gt;";

function VBConstuctCart(Name, cookieLifetime, vbArrColNames, vbArrColComputed){
var myObj;
var a = new VBArray(vbArrColNames);
var b = new VBArray(vbArrColComputed);
eval("myObj = new UC_ShoppingCart(Name, cookieLifetime, a.toArray(), b.toArray())";
return myObj;
&lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript runat=server NAME="UC_CART"&gt;
Function GetCookieExp(expDays)
vDate = DateAdd("d", CInt(expDays), Now())
GetCookieExp = CStr(vDate)
End Function
function DoNumber(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoNumber = FormatNumber(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoCurrency(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoCurrency = FormatCurrency(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoDateTime(str, nNamedFormat, nLCID)
dim strRet
dim nOldLCID

strRet = str
If (nLCID &gt; -1) Then
oldLCID = Session.LCID
End If

On Error Resume Next

If (nLCID &gt; -1) Then
Session.LCID = nLCID
End If

If ((nLCID &lt; 0) Or (Session.LCID = nLCID)) Then
strRet = FormatDateTime(str, nNamedFormat)
End If

If (nLCID &gt; -1) Then
Session.LCID = oldLCID
End If

DoDateTime = strRet
End Function

function DoPercent(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
DoPercent = FormatPercent(str, nDigitsAfterDecimal, nLeadingDigit, nUseParensForNeg, nGroupDigits)
End Function

function DoTrim(str, side)
dim strRet
strRet = str

If (side = "left" Then
strRet = LTrim(str)
ElseIf (side = "right" Then
strRet = RTrim(str)
strRet = Trim(str)
End If
DoTrim = strRet
End Function
set UCCart1=VBConstuctCart("UCCart",30,UC_CartColNames,UC_ComputedCols)
UC_updateAction = CStr(Request("URL")
If (Request.QueryString &lt;&gt; "" Then
UC_updateAction = UC_updateAction & "?" & Request.QueryString
End If
If (Request.Form("text_quantity".Count &gt; 0) Then
If ("" &lt;&gt; "" Then
End If
End If
UC_EmptyCart = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL") & "?UC_EmptyCart=1"
If (CStr(Request("UC_EmptyCart") = "1" Then
UC_redirectPage = "products.asp"
' redirect with URL parameters (remove the "UC_EmptyCart" query param).
if (UC_redirectPage = "" Then UC_redirectPage = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("URL")
If (InStr(1, UC_redirectPage, "?", vbTextCompare) = 0 And Request.QueryString &lt;&gt; "" Then
newQS = "?"
For Each Item In Request.QueryString
If (Item &lt;&gt; "UC_EmptyCart" Then
If (Len(newQS) &gt; 1) Then newQS = newQS & "&"
newQS = newQS & Item & "=" & Server.URLencode(Request.QueryString(Item))
End If
if (Len(newQS) &gt; 1) Then UC_redirectPage = UC_redirectPage & newQS
End If
End If
&lt;% If UCCart1.GetItemCount() &lt;= 0 Then Response.Redirect("products.asp" %&gt;
&lt;% ' Set totals and number of items to Cookies Robert Paddock 22/02/2001

Response.Cookies("cart_totals"("Num_items" = (UCCart1.GetItemCount())
Response.Cookies("cart_totals"("total" = (UCCart1.GetColumnTotal("Total")

&lt;title&gt;Untitled Document&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"&gt;
&lt;body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"&gt;
&lt;% For UCCart1__i=0 To UCCart1.GetItemCount()-1 %&gt;
&lt;FORM name="cart_form" method="post" action="&lt;%=UC_updateAction%&gt;"&gt;
&lt;table width="75%" align="center"&gt;
&lt;td&gt;&lt;%= FormatCurrency((UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Price",UCCart1__i)), 2, -2, -2, -2) %&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;input type="text" name="text_quantity" value="&lt;%=(UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Quantity",UCCart1__i))%&gt;" size="5" maxlength="5"&gt;
&lt;td&gt;&lt;%= FormatCurrency((UCCart1.GetColumnValue("Total",UCCart1__i)), 2, -2, -2, -2) %&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;input type="checkbox" name="remove" value="1"
onClick="document.cart_form.quantity&lt;%If UCCart1.GetItemCount() &gt; 1 then Response.Write("[" & UCCart1__i & "]"%&gt;.value='0',submit()"&gt;
&lt;input type="submit" name="Update Cart" value="Update Cart"&gt;
&lt;td&gt;&lt;A HREF="&lt;%=UC_EmptyCart%&gt;"&gt;Empty
&lt;td&gt;&lt;a href="products.asp"&gt;Shop More&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
&lt;td colspan="2"&gt;&lt;b&gt;Grand Total:&lt;%= FormatCurrency((UCCart1.GetColumnTotal("Total"), 2, -2, -2, -2) %&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
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