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PD HTML Editor help

Posted 28 Jan 2002 00:07:06
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28 Jan 2002 00:07:06 Jeff Gordon posted:
Hello I am kind of new to ultradev, and I am trying to use the PD HTML Editor to update articles, but I am running to some problems.
When a user clicks on the save Icon, an onClick event is executed that calls the javascript function onFormSubmit();It says in the directions to edit the form's action attribute to point to a URL of a cgi or script file that will handle the actual handling of the data. What exatly does this mean? Right now my forms action is "<%=MM_editAction%>" What would i need to change this to? Also, It will effect the rest of my form, so what do i do with all the MM_editAction parts of the document.


Replied 28 Jan 2002 20:07:36
28 Jan 2002 20:07:36 Waldo Smeets replied:
Please check this tutorial:

Waldo Smeets -- Co-Founder
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The Web Developers Event
18, 19 and 20 February 2002
Amsterdam Olympic Stadium
The Netherlands

Be There!
Replied 28 Jan 2002 20:55:39
28 Jan 2002 20:55:39 Jeff Gordon replied:
I reviewed the tutorial many times, but was unable to find what to do about updating the action. All it says is "When the user clicks on the Save Icon on the PD Online HTML Editor the form is submitted and the record updated.

Thats all there is to it, you know have a fully functioning HTML aware editing solution."

I am trying to get the form submission to work.

Replied 17 Feb 2002 11:17:33
17 Feb 2002 11:17:33 Jee Wonder replied:
Build your form and then manually copy the code OnSubmit="copyValue()"

<form name="Edit" method="POST" action="ind.asp" onSubmit="copyValue()">

<input type="hidden" name="act" value="<%=act%>">
<input type="hidden" name="subarticleid" value="<%= subarticleid %>">

Now on the form when in ud remove the save function and the button, new function and the button and any other item you will not be requiring.

Thats all to it.

Replied 26 Feb 2002 05:34:19
26 Feb 2002 05:34:19 Praveen Kumar replied:
alternatively. u can do this.

set the action of the form to any server side language , preferably, asp.

and in that script call this

the editor value is the hidden text area in the html editor.
so whenever someone clicks on the save, a message will popup , asking him whether he wants to save or not and then also save the particular contents and then redirect him/her to a page of ur choice.
this is what i am doing now.


Edited by - spk100 on 26 Feb 2002 05:39:08

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