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Session Question

Posted 16 Jan 2002 17:15:51
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16 Jan 2002 17:15:51 Joe Scully posted:

I have developed an online shopping cart for a customer. When a user decides to submit their cart or cancel their cart, he application submits their details back to the customers SAP system using a standard POST form.

My problem is: How do I cancel their session when the last thing that the user does is actually submit a form to a URL on the customer's webserver?

eg. If a customer wants to cancel their session, they are brought to a page that has yes and no buttons. Clicking No brings them back to the cart (so the session must be kept active). Clicking Yes submits the hidden form elements on this page to the customers SAP system. But because submitting the form is their last action, I do not know where to cancel the session! I need to cancel it because the customer has told me that if the same user links back to our cart within a few minutes, their old basket details are still there!

Hope that I have not confused the issue!



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