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The red exclamation marks on Server Behaviors...

Posted 06 Jan 2002 05:52:17
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06 Jan 2002 05:52:17 crazy larry posted:
What do they mean?
Why do I get them?
What do they do to my code because it screws stuff up!!!!!!

I think it means that I changed some of the automatically written code.
I'm using PHAKT.



Replied 07 Jan 2002 12:13:31
07 Jan 2002 12:13:31 Kent Steelman replied:
The red exclamation means that one time you had a record set assigned to that page and you also assigned server behavors to that record set or objects on the page. What has happed is you either removed the recordset or the objects on that page that had server behavor(s) assigned to them. Once removed from the page, the behavors become orphaned and hence the red exclamation marks.

Wm. Kent Steelman
Replied 08 Jan 2002 07:44:59
08 Jan 2002 07:44:59 Joel Martinez replied:
this might help:

Joel Martinez [ ]
E-Commerce Concepts with Ultradev...pre-order yours at
Replied 08 Jan 2002 08:19:07
08 Jan 2002 08:19:07 crazy larry replied:

So the answer is DONT TOUCH THE CODE and you will not get the exclamation marks.

Replied 10 Jan 2002 21:35:24
10 Jan 2002 21:35:24 Kelly Brady replied:

This would be a great Idea however more times than I can count on one hand, I have changed the code because Ultradev doesn’t allow you to customize anything. The code it generates is extensive, not needed, can you say server overload. I do not know why the code is so taxing however those little red exclamations sometime don't mean anything if you can get away with generating your own code on top of Ultradevs code. Once again is would sure be nice to have more freedom with this program and to see a little less Ultradev code.

Edited by - kbrady on 10 Jan 2002 21:36:48
Replied 11 Jan 2002 10:56:40
11 Jan 2002 10:56:40 Mark Labordus replied:
When sites get more and more complex, I can't get around custom-coding, red exclamations start showing more and more, up to the point I hide the hole Server-Behaviors.
There are even hole pages I never open in UD anymore, but only in my editor (MultiEdit).

Replied 11 Jan 2002 16:18:37
11 Jan 2002 16:18:37 Joel Martinez replied:
I know how you feel... I do exactly the same thing. In my opinion UD is great to start up a project fast, but when it comes down to the hard core functionality, I do it quicker by hand.

Joel Martinez [ ]
E-Commerce Concepts with Ultradev...pre-order yours at

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