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Is authentication secure?

Posted 19 Dec 2001 20:33:18
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19 Dec 2001 20:33:18 Martin Parol posted:
I have set up authentication on my web site and all works fine. Although it doesn't seem secure cause I can type the url to the resricted page and it still accesses it.

How can i make it secure if at all possible?


Replied 19 Dec 2001 20:50:56
19 Dec 2001 20:50:56 Peter R replied:
In UD4 you should be able to stop people from viewing the page even if they type the url directly to the page.

In the Server Behaviours Palette, Click the PLUS sign, Click "User Authentication", then Click "Restrict Access to Page".

There you can set up what username/passwords/access level they need for that page. And if they don't provide it, it will redirect the user to a page of your choosing.

Replied 19 Dec 2001 21:10:58
19 Dec 2001 21:10:58 Martin Parol replied:
I have tried this and still i have the same problem.

To get the entire thing to work i have to include ('adodb-session.php') in the code and set up an extra table in my db it's working now but i need to make it secure.

Replied 20 Dec 2001 00:53:35
20 Dec 2001 00:53:35 Tim Green replied:
The adodb-session.php file is only required when you are using database-enabled sessions.

However, this is not required when you are using the User Authentication system.

The main problem with Sessions is that the Session is only truly killed if done explicitly, or if the browser window is closed.

To explicitly kill the authorisation session do the following:-

When applying the Logout User behaviour redirect to a page that contains the following code:-


This will then absolutely kill all created sessions and *should* therefore allow the Restrict Access to Page behaviour to work.

Hope this helps

Tim Green

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