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Error during Update

Posted 07 Dec 2001 22:12:15
has voted
07 Dec 2001 22:12:15 Steve Stark posted:
I'm new to UltraDev, but have used other
tools and hand coded ASP for a long time. I
have created a lookup page passing in a
single parameter to a SQL statement that
then opens a single record. All the data
from the record is visible and populated inthe form, but when I submit the changes, I get the following error:

Technical Information (for support personnel)

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.

/ClientEdit.asp, line 89

Browser Type:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)


POST 494 bytes to /ClientEdit.asp

POST Data:

&PostalCode=29464&CountryRegi . . .


Friday, December 07, 2001, 3:37:55 PM

More information:

Microsoft Support

The update form was created using the
UltraDev Update Record function in the live
object palette. Can anyone advise?

Thanks in advance


Edited by - lostinUltraDev on 07 Dec 2001 22:19:52


Replied 07 Dec 2001 22:41:07
07 Dec 2001 22:41:07 Owen Eastwick replied:
Most likely cause is trying update a Numeric database field with Text, check your column names data types etc.



Multiple Parameter UD4 / Access 2000 Database Search Tutorial:
Replied 08 Dec 2001 20:29:35
08 Dec 2001 20:29:35 Steve Stark replied:
Check all fields in both database as well as form...All text.

Did notice the post string was truncated. Also notice in the code it has a variable defined as QueryString. This would be the get method and would truncate the data to 255 characters, If my memory serves me correctly.

Is there a configuration parameter where I can define the form method as "POST"?

Thanks in advance


Replied 08 Dec 2001 22:26:30
08 Dec 2001 22:26:30 Owen Eastwick replied:
The form method is set in the properties pallette (Ctrl+F3).

Place the cursor within the form on the page then click on the <Forrm> tag at the bottom left of the page design window.

Alternatively change it directly in the code view:

<form name="formName" method="post" action="YourResultsPage.asp">

On page page defined as the forms action make sure that you are not using Requets.QueryString("formElement" this will only pick up things passed as a URL parameter, use Request or Request.Form("formElement"

One other thing that has occured to me, are you trying to insert a text string into a database field that is too small, ie. trying to insert a 200 character string into a text field with a Field Size of 50 characters. In addition remember that the maximum size for an Access Text field is 255 characters, if you need to store anything longer than this set the fields Data Type to Memo.



Multiple Parameter UD4 / Access 2000 Database Search Tutorial:
Replied 08 Dec 2001 23:02:55
08 Dec 2001 23:02:55 Steve Stark replied:
Thank you very much. That was thje problem and now all is well.

One more question, can I post an unlimited text field to a memo field in teh database. Are there any restrictions if I use the POST method?

Thanks again.


Replied 09 Dec 2001 01:03:31
09 Dec 2001 01:03:31 Owen Eastwick replied:
An Access Database Text field can hold up to 64,000 characters, so pretty big but yiu can't hold War & Peace in on cell.

Can't find any refernce to maximum amount of data you can POST but you could take a look at:



Multiple Parameter UD4 / Access 2000 Database Search Tutorial:
Replied 15 Jan 2008 22:40:14
15 Jan 2008 22:40:14 Tony Barkdull replied:
I found my own solution. I was working on web pages that pass software names to a detials page. My pronblem was there were apersands (& in the descriptions being passed and the descriptions were being truncated. Replacing them with 'and' fixed them

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