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Problem making reading field values from db
Posted 05 Dec 2001 21:15:38
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05 Dec 2001 21:15:38 Terry Lyons posted:
I create a DSN to a database through ODBC then, in UD, define a Connection to this new DSN, click Test and everything is working great. Here is my problem: I'm working on an ASP file. From Data Bindings I begin to create a new Recordset (simple rs). I name it, choose its Connection (previously mentioned DSN)and attempt to chose a table. This is where things are not right. The Table field does not list the table names as absolute but as a relative path to the database. For instance. The Table drop down box should list the tables as (say) french_wines, spanish_wines. Not so. I am seeing them listed as: "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wines\french_wines", etc. Also, there are no field names listed. How do I correct this?